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Explore our extensive catalog of high-quality 3D printed models, perfect for tabletop games, dungeon adventures or painters looking for something special to paint. You'll find intricate fantasy figures through to dynamic sci-fi characters, perfect pieces to suit your adventures. Browse our diverse selection and bring your imagination to life with ReFoundry's precision printing. Start exploring now!

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Skull Deck Box Because why not?
From £24.99
Medieval / Fantasy Town Props Bring your town to life
From £19.99
Melting Jack O'Lantern Grab some treats
From £39.99
Medieval Abbey Props Spruce up your abbey
From £16.99
From £89.99
The Spider Queen A collector of souls
From £24.99
Dianna, the Lightbringer Blood of the god himself
From £9.99
Covelings Corrupted villainous sidekicks
From £6.99
Wooden Kit Yarn Bowl and Hook Case Simple and basic yet effective
From £24.99
Groto An ancient being
From £14.99
Owlbear When Owl meets Bear
From £12.99
Myconid An ancient race
From £7.99
From £24.99
From £7.99
From £7.99
Fairy Queen - Titania Evergreen Graceful & benevolent
From £7.99
Unicorn Guardian of the marshlands
From £9.99
BabaYaga House How do you describe this?
From £7.99
Witches of Sommar - Props The Mirewood Marshlands
From £24.99
Displacer Beast Fear & fascination
From £7.99
Ferne Sprightly
From £7.99
Aelarion Leafheart Courageous & skilled
From £7.99
Jaguar Predatory focus
From £8.99